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Roland AE-20 Aerophone Wind MIDI Controller White-Black

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Roland AE-20 Aerophone Wind MIDI Controller White-Black

Aerophone AE-20 delivers all the playability and expression of our top-of-the-line Aerophone Pro in a more compact and streamlined design. Offering a rich musical experience with premium details and our most advanced sound engines, this inspiring...
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New, unused product in original packaging. 100 % functional with no signs of usage. Full warranty of at least 2 years applies. Product was purchased, unboxed and returned in non-used condition by a previous customer, or opened only for visual check or to be photographed for eshop.
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Estimated delivery date 26.09.2024
854 €
890.01 €
- 4 %
Wind MIDI Controller Roland AE-20 Aerophone Wind MIDI Controller White-Black (Just unboxed)

Roland AE-20 Aerophone Wind MIDI Controller White-Black

854 €
890.01 €
- 4 %

Product code: 961817 | ID: 961817

Roland AE-20 Aerophone Wind MIDI Controller White-Black

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Original packaging
New, unused product in original packaging. 100 % functional with no signs of usage. Full warranty of at least 2 years applies. Product was purchased, unboxed and returned in non-used condition by a previous customer, or opened only for visual check or to be photographed for eshop.

Aerophone AE-20 delivers all the playability and expression of our top-of-the-line Aerophone Pro in a more compact and streamlined design. Offering a rich musical experience with premium details and our most advanced sound engines, this inspiring modern wind instrument brings next-level power and versatility to all your creative journeys.
Developed in collaboration with leading wind synth artists, Aerophone AE-20 is a top-flight instrument with uncompromising musical response. It has the inspiring sounds and expressive control of Aerophone Pro, along with the flagship model’s acclaimed key touch, refined playability, and go-everywhere design.
Aerophone AE-20 lets you explore an endless range of tones as soon as you pick it up. With everything from woodwinds, strings, and brass to the latest synth sounds available at the touch of a button, there’s no musical style you can’t take on.
Aerophone AE-20 puts a world of stunningly authentic acoustic instrument sounds at your command. Instantly call up soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxes plus clarinet, flute, trumpet, and more. Violin, cello, and other string instruments are included as well, along with world instruments like erhu, shakuhachi, and bagpipes. Backed by our SuperNATURAL technology, every nuance of your playing is translated with lifelike dynamics, articulations, and overtones.
The versatility of this powerful instrument extends even further with the ZEN-Core Synthesis System, the same advanced sound engine found in pro Roland keyboards like FANTOM and JUPITER-X. Explore everything from traditional analog synths to modern digital voices, all carefully curated for the unique articulations and extended dynamic range of a wind instrument.

Parameters and specifications


Number of Sounds


Effect Types

Chorus, Reverb, Delay



Built-in Speaker



Original Colour by Producer


Inputs and Outputs


Headphone Jack 3,5mm TRS



USB to Device



Power supply

Battery Operation


Play Time (hours)


Power Supply

Adapter or Battery

Dimensions and Weight


1,11 kg

Width (cm)


Height (cm)


Depth (cm)



Made in


Recommended accessories


4,80 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 5

5 4
4 1
3 0
2 0
1 0

All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.


Peter F.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


rychle dodani ! velky vyber zvuku, i kdyz zrovna saxofony by mohly byt kvalitnejsi ...

fast delivery! a large selection of sounds, even if the saxophones could be of better quality...

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cz Flag

Czech Republic


Velmi spokojen s nákupem: vysoká kvalita zpracování; nádherné vestavěné zvuky (jako od špičkových syntezátorů; přesto nečekejte, že to bude znít jako akustický nástroj) s vynikajícími možnostmi ovládání dynamiky; pěkné příslušenství, včetně pěkného pouzdra; a užitečné digitální funkce, např. bluetooth. Pohyb kláves je trochu krátký, vyžaduje si zvyknout. Ve srovnání s běžným dřevěným dechovým nástrojem se v náustku vytváří příliš mnoho tekutiny.

Very satisfied with the purchase: high quality workmanship; wonderful built-in sounds (like from high-end synths; don't expect it to sound like an acoustic instrument, though) with excellent dynamics controls; nice accessories, including a nice case; and useful digital functions such as bluetooth. The key travel is a bit short, it takes some getting used to. Compared to a regular woodwind instrument, too much liquid builds up in the mouthpiece.

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Ivan G.

cz Flag

Czech Republic



Tobias W.

de Flag



Ein tolles Teil. Es spielt sich als Saxophonist komplett intuitiv. Nur die Oktavknöpfe sind etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Bei den Sounds wäre noch Luft nach oben, aber alles in allem ein super Instrument, das Spaß macht.

A great piece of equipment. As a saxophonist, it is completely intuitive to play. The octave buttons are just a little difficult to get used to. The sounds could be improved, but all in all, it is a great instrument that is fun to play.

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Radim K.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Nový Aerofon po AE-10 do rodiny. Ve srovnání s původním následující poznatky: Plusy: - daleko jednodušší programování prostřednictvím aplikace - snazší výběr zvuků přímo na aerofonu - snazší ovládání hlasitosti - bohatá banka zvuků - dvě programovatelná tlačítka S1 a S2 a pěti dalších z prstokladu, poučení vědí, že využití se najde - bluetooth pro připojení aplikace (pozor, nedá se použít pro připojení k repráku - zpoždění) - trochu luxusnější design než ae-10 (to se lidi furt ptali, proč hraju na ten příruční vysavač) - zatím se mi neodpojil samovolně bezdrátovej vysílač do komba, jak se to stávalo u ae-10, když jste do toho narvali větší intenzitou nějakej hustej zvuk, jako třeba nabustrovanou elektrickou kytaru Minusy: - mám pocit, že baterie jsou hned vycuclé, možná je to zapnutým BT, ještě jsem nezkoušel bez - velký zklamání je absence čtyřpolohového knobu pod pravým palcem, je tam jen dvoupolohový. To jsem věděl dopředu, ale nevěděl jsem, že se ke každé poloze nedá naprogramovat vlastní interval jako u ae-10. Jinými slovy, u ae-10 si můžete naprogramovat až čtyři různé intervaly, u nového ae-20 jen jeden, což je pro mě jasná hvězda dolů - takovej fórovej kufřík, spíš měkkej futrál, ae-10 má pevnej, tady u toho mám trochu strach o bezpečnost nástroje

New Aerofon after AE-10 for the family. Compared to the original, the following findings: Pros: - much simpler programming via the app - easier selection of sounds directly on the aerophone - easier volume control - rich bank of sounds - two programmable buttons S1 and S2 and five others from the fingerboard, the lessons know that the use will be found - bluetooth for connecting the application (be careful, it cannot be used to connect to the speaker - delay) - a slightly more luxurious design than the ae-10 (people kept asking why I play with the hand-held vacuum cleaner) - the wireless transmitter in the combo has not yet disconnected on its own , as it happened with the ae-10, when you added some dense sound with greater intensity, like a boosted electric guitar Minuses: - I feel that the batteries are drained right away, maybe it's because BT is on, I haven't tried it yet - big the disappointment is the absence of a four-position knob under the right thumb, there is only a two-position one. I knew that in advance, but I didn't know that you can't program your own interval for each position like with the ae-10. In other words, with the ae-10 you can program up to four different intervals, with the new ae-20 only one, which for me is a clear star down - such a forum case, more like a soft case, the ae-10 has a hard one, here I have a little fear for the safety of the tool

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