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Product code: HA4-PLUS | ID: 323638
HA4 PLUS mini headphone amplifier splits a single stereo signal into four headphone outputs. The unique circuitry delivers top-notch sound even in a harsh environment. Each channel comes with its own level control without interaction. Its USB power supply design allows it powered by phone charger, bank charger etc. High quality steel chassis provides extreme durability.
Line inputs
Headphone outputs
Headphone Amp
Headphone Output
Height (cm)
Width (cm)
Depth (cm)
Made in
All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.
Adrian G.
Il folosesc sa trensmit semnalul din mufa casti laptop in 4 statii de amplificare.E OK cu volumul pe el la 1/2.
I use it to transmit the signal from the laptop headphone jack to 4 amplifier stations. It's OK with the volume on it at 1/2.
Automated translation
Tibor R.
Šikovné zariadenie pre výstup na viac zariadení - zosilňovač, príp. viac zosilňovačov, slúchadlo. Šetrí audio kontakt počítača od opotrebenia častým zasúvaním a vyťahovaním káblového kontaktu. Nedostatkom je hlasný šum zariadenia, hlavne u zosilňovača alebo audio reproduktorov. Použil som naraz slúchadlo, audio PC reproduktory 2+1 a zosilňovač do 100 W. U PC reproduktorov bol menší šum, u zosilňovača s reproduktormi 80 W je väčší šum, ak sa nehrá, nepustí sa hudba. Základné používanie by bolo MIDI klávesy s počítačom v DAW, alebo so zvukovými modulmi samostatne bez PC.
Handy device for output to multiple devices - amplifier, or multiple amplifiers, handset. Saves the audio contact of the computer from wear by frequent insertion and withdrawal of the cable contact. The disadvantage is the loud noise of the device, especially with the amplifier or audio speakers. I used a headset, audio PC speakers 2+1 and an amplifier up to 100 W at the same time. There was less noise with the PC speakers, with an amplifier with 80 W speakers there is more noise, if it is not played, the music does not play. The basic use would be MIDI keys with a computer in a DAW, or with sound modules separately without a PC.
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Václav M.
Czech Republic
Po čtyřech měsících doslova odpadla napájecí usb zdířka a občas znatelně píská. Za tu cenu v poho, ale raději bych utratil pár stovek na víc a sáhl po něčem jiném
After four months, the USB power socket literally fell off and sometimes makes a noticeable whistle. It's fine for the price, but I'd rather spend a few hundred more and go for something else
Automated translation
Kádár-Szabó B.